8 October 2015

Moura July 2015

Arrived at Moura, the camp spot is on the Dawson River about 7 kl out of town. Firstly, I parked up the back as there were so many campers already here, at least 50 with some looking like they had been there for months. After walking around I spotted a small spot that I moved to, with water views and closer to the amenities block and picnic tables. The reverse maneuvering didn't look very professional but I backed her in tight to the fence line and put the ramps under the front tires to level her.  I was set for the next few days.

Solo Steve arrived in his coaster, Steve is a local from Corlette NSW not far from where I live, it was really good to see him with his new set of dentures and lovely smile to boot. He is on his way north to catch up with two female nomads camping at Sapphire and will continue on his solo journey enjoying his nomad lifestyle.

I surprised him and myself by cooking my first cake on the fire, 
with a dollop of cream on top, I knocked on his door to present him with a taste test and he agreed it was pretty good for a first timer.

I drove thru Moura on my way south and was surprised to see a busy bustling town. Not realizing there are Coal mines in the district till I took the short cut thru Kianga to Leichhardt Hwy and onto the town of Theodore, seeing the mines looking very much like Muswellbrook NSW.

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