31 May 2021

Knorrit flat 26th April 2021

A 3 day camp at Knorrit flat organised by Terese Douglas WCCT. The road was damaged after the heavy rain, coming in via Taree and Wingham was the quickest way but rough in places. We had a good group of ladies, Wendy, Ines, Rose, Griff and 5 new ladies.

Here we are playing a game called 'Grocery grab'. It was a lot of fun, thanks Wendy.

Griff's friend Cathy and her best friend Ruby

We just love hanging around the fire.

Having another go at cooking Damper

Turned out pretty special this time

Yum....plenty of butter and honey

Wendy and Lori McCartney

Designing a......what ever they want it to be

And the icecream truck arrived....delish

Ines holding Honey, Rose and I 

30 May 2021

Coopernook state forest May 31 2021

Left Gloucester Monday morning and after a long....hour and a half drive, Joanne and I are here. 

The road in from the main road (Forest rd.) was atrocious, an extra 8 kl to bypass the damaged bridge. This entry into the state forest usually is 5 kl of straight dirt road. Since the floods the road repairs are going slow. 

We got our fire going with the stash of wood we've been collecting.

My van has a halo around it

The elk horns are still in the Jacarands's

Beaut coals tonight, Jo cooked garlic flavoured spuds, Yummo...

Joanne was sleeping in or enjoying her heater. I was going to throw rocks at her van, Na...I wasn't

Old mates Richard and Peter, No that's not them, these kookaburra's are perched on Peter's penthouse

This little guy is the sweetest pup I've see for a long time, Pomeranian - Chihuahua x 

14 years old

Joanne's friend Jude lives nearby and came for a visit, I have met her before on our first Gloucester camp.

One more look at the cutie 

Doing a bit of repair work under the caravan.

Check out the wood!

Gloucester May 26th 2021

Wendy's craft week

Arrived Wednesday afternoon and stayed to monday $12.60 no power per night. Saturday and Sunday were very windy, overcast and dammed cold. Joanne, Griff,  Rose, Inis and Wendy. There were 5 new ladies, Kerry from Maitland, Dennise from Victoria, Joanne from Corlette. Leonnie from Walcha, and Martina from Newcastle.

Every one dabbled in some kind of craft over the days, water paint, palm tree plant basket, rock art, knitting, crocheting, colouring in with pencils and texta. 

I mainly sat around the camp fire just like Griff and Di...and Chloe

Dinner at the roundabout pub, 
Griff, Rose, Kerry, Joanne, Dennise, Wendy, Di and Ines

Joanne 'from Corlette' I think her dog's name was Bear.

Di's tent to the left and Griff's caravan in the background.

 I made Angus a bigger beanie, the other one was a bit tight.

The kids are toasty warm in their winter outfits.

And Griff also...

Martina, Rose and Di

Joanne, Griff and Wendy in the scarf, I don't get you girls ! its cold and Wendy has a cold drink in her gloved hand.

Bugger! this girl so photogenic...